Monday, February 4, 2019

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Product details

File Size: 1012 KB

Print Length: 464 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 067003472X

Publisher: Penguin Books; 1st edition (February 2, 2006)

Publication Date: February 2, 2006

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#107,677 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I am posting a letter that I wrote to my siblings as a review of this "enlightening book."Dear J & J,Friday night, I decided to slowly read through a book on "religion as a natural phenomenon. As long as I have been in religious circles, no one has attempted to explain to me or even discuss where this idea of religion originated. However, not all religions are the same in regards to intent. Dr. Dennett wrote that sharks and dolphins may have similar attributes and can swim in the same waters, however, as often observed, the shark’s intent is definitely not the same as a dolphin.In his book “Breaking the Spell” by Daniel C. Dennett wrote “Religious cults (or pseudo religions) and political fanatics are not the only casters of evil spells today. Think of the people who are addicted to drugs, or gambling, or alcohol, or child pornography.” Dr. Dennett also states that religion in America is not the same as religions in other countries.It seems that religion is important to most of our family members and many Americans. Just look at all the televangelists begging for money and getting it. I might suggest that all of us step back and look at the idea of what is religion in the first place. I suggest not waiting until you are lying in bed sick or lying in bed dying before you attempt to understand this idea of religion. Just because it has been handed down to us through traditions does not make it correct in the first place.In fact, Jesus practiced a lesson similar to Socrates; as a teacher, he never put someone down because a student does not agree. Thomas is known as doubting Thomas and Jesus never put him down; I prefer to call Thomas a skeptic. In my experience, healthy skepticism might have kept me from participating in a pseudo religion for thirteen years. In my view, healthy skepticism is another way of saying "intellectual honesty." One thing I know for sure is that nothing in life to a human is certain, nothing. None of us really knows anything for sure.This book is well worth the read for true believers and skeptics.Good luck to you all.Steven L. H.

As a person fascinated with, though uncompelled by, religion, I throughly enjoyed Dennett's articulate exploration of religion as a natural phenomenon. Yes, as other reviewers have noted, some of the sections ramble a bit, however I found this easy to take, as Dennett's writing was always worth following. While Dennett describes a well-thought-out and interesting point of view, the book also illuminates the thoughts of others on the subject of religion, and facts of the natural world that might bear on how we look at religion. This made the book a much richer experience than if Dennett simply made his arguments.As for Dennett's arguments, I think they show real insight and genuine concern for the human condition. However, I was left with the sense that while Dennett's microscope uncovers many important facets of religion, he may be missing the point that the central difference between a religious person and a "bright" like Dennett is their epistempology - their stance on what is the source of truth. Dennett asserts often in the book that the religious have an obligation to justify their views, but he wants them justified on his terms, reason, not theirs, personal revelation.Dennett quotes Avery Cardinal Dulles who writes that ".... the key question is how God comes to us and opens up a world of meaning not accessible to human investigative powers. The answer, I suggest is testimony ... Personal testimony calls for an epistemology quite distinct from the scientific, as commonly understood." The point of view expressed by this quote seems to me on target, and essential to understanding religion as a natural phenomenon, however Dennett won't have it. When Dulles later in his writing acknowledges the value of science, Dennett derides Dulles for "cherry picking", relying on science only when it helps his cause (p. 364).I think what Dennett really wants, to put religion under clear-eyed scrutiny, is "... not to bulldoze people with science, but to get them to see things they already know, or could know, have implications for how they should want to respond to the issues under discussion." (p. 378) In other words, to acknowledge the importance of reason to human life in general, and in considering religion in particular. If Dennett wants to convert the converted, he needs to convert their epistemology.






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